It's Easy to Become a Volunteer
Sunshine Coast RDA is always looking for responsible and reliable people to assist in the various programs we offer.
If you have a few spare hours each week and you would like to become a volunteer with Sunshine Coast RDA, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 5472 7280 and we would be delighted to talk to you.
You need no experience with horses or disabilities to become a volunteer and there are plenty of non-horse related jobs for those who would prefer to offer their time elsewhere.
Induction, orientation and full training are offered.
In 2025, all NEW Volunteers will be offered Orientation & Induction on the first Wednesday afternoon of each month from 1 - 3 pm ( except Jan, Feb and Dec). No need to book in! Just come along with closed in footwear and a smile!
Membership is $65 p.a. which covers our volunteers for Insurance.
The next Orientation & Induction will be held on Wed 5th March 2025.
Since you'll be working with children a Blue Card issued by the Queensland Government will also be required and we can assist you to complete the online application once you are a member with SCRDA.
- Membership Application and Liability Waiver Form for 2025 is available now as a paper version or an online fillable form and can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Remember to be sun smart, wear closed in footwear and a hat.
Come and join our friendly team of volunteers!
When Can I Get More Training?
At the commencement of each new year we offer a full week of training for new volunteers.
We hold volunteer training in every school holidays on a chosen day. Check the website Home page for the latest news.
We encourage you to attend as many training sessions as you can as they are fun and a way to meet other volunteers and brush up on your horsemanship skills.
Can I Sponsor A Horse?
Many of our volunteers connect with the horses and may wish to sponsor a particular horse.
Horse Sponsorship is one way you can assist Sunshine Coast RDA to fund the care and welfare of our horses.
Horse sponsorship is $2,000 per annum and you will be recognised on our Horse Sponsor Board and website.
When Can I Get A Free Ride?
During ongoing training sessions in each school holidays, volunteers may be able to experience riding a horse and have an opportunity to feel what it’s like for some of our riders. This is a time to experience what it is like for the riders who have a good leader vs a poor leader, or who have limited balance, vision etc. This can be a very powerful experience for our volunteers.
Unfortunately term time is too busy for reward rides and our horses’ workload is too heavy to give them extra riding as their wellbeing for therapy riding sessions is extremely important.
It is not that these horses do hard physical work like racehorses, hunters or eventers but their work can be quite stressful in terms of the number of people surrounding them, noise, movement, having to be still etc.